【Learn Chinese】Chinese Lesson: Geography

Geography is the Science of the Earth’s surface, which describes and analyzes the spatial variations in physical, biological, and human phenomena that occur on the surface of the globe and treats their interrelationships and their significant regional patterns.
Once associated entirely with mapping and the exploration of the Earth, the field today is wide-ranging, and geographers use a variety of methods and techniques drawn from numerous disciplines.
Subfields of geography include physical, human, and regional geography, which may range in scale from worldwide to a continent, a country, or a city.
The Chinese word for geography is 地理学 (dì lǐ xué).
Following we collected some vocabulary that will help you to describe the geography around you.
Volcano: 火山 (huŏ shān)
Canyon: 峡谷 (xiá gŭ)
Forest: 森林 (sēn lín)
Jungle: 丛林 (cóng lín)
Marsh: 沼泽 (zhăo zé)
Mountain: 高山 (gāo shān)
Mountain range: 山脉 (shān mài)
Hill 丘陵: (qiū líng)
Waterfall: 瀑布 (pù bù)
River: 河 (hé)
Lake: 湖 (hú)
Desert: 沙漠 (shā mò)
Peninsula: 半岛 (bàn dăo)
Island: 岛屿 (dǎo yǔ)
Beach: 沙滩 (shā tān)
Ocean: 海洋 (hăi yáng)
Sea: 大海 (dà hǎi)
Bay: 海湾 (hǎi wān)
Coast: 海岸 (hăi àn)