【Learn Chinese】Learn Opposites in Chinese

A great way to improve your Chinese vocabulary is to learn opposites in Chinese. If that is your goal then you’ve come to the right place!
Opposites in Chinese is 反义词 fǎn yì cí or 对立面 duì lì miàn.
Opposite Words in Chinese
Rich富有 fù yǒu - Poor贫穷 pín qióng
Sick生病 shēng bìng - Healthy健康 jiàn kāng
Big大 dà - Small小 xiǎo
Fast快 kuài - Slow慢 màn
Happy快乐 kuài lè - Sad伤心 shāngxīn
Together一起 yī qǐ - Apart分开 fēn kāi
Noisy吵 chǎo - Quiet安静 ānjìng
Tall高 gāo - Short矮 ǎi
Deep深 shēn - Shallow浅 qiǎn
Yes是 shì - No不 bù
Far远 yuan - Near近 jìn
Long长 cháng - Short短 duǎn
Good好 hǎo - Bad坏 huài
Married已婚 yǐ hūn - Single单身 dān shēn
Forbid禁止 jìn zhǐ - Permit允许 yǔn xǔ
Left左边 zuǒ bian - Right右边 yòu bian
First第一 dì yī - Last最后 zuì hòu
Paradise天堂 tiān tang - Hell地狱 dì yù
Born出生 chū sheng - Die死亡 sǐ wáng
Strong壮 zhuàng - Weak弱 ruò
Old (person) 老 lǎo - Young年轻 nián qīng
Old (thing) 旧 jiù - New新 xīn
Hard硬 yìng - Soft软 ruǎn
Hot热 rè - Cold冷 lěng