【Learn Chinese】How to make Promises in Chinese

Promises are a part of our daily conversations, and knowing how to make them in Mandarin can significantly enhance your communication skills.
Whether you're promising to finish a task or assuring someone of your plans, understanding the right phrases and their usage is crucial.
First, let’s look at the verb 承诺 (chéngnuò). This means "to promise"or "to pledge".
我承诺我会帮你的。(wǒ chéngnuò wǒ huì bāng nǐ de) - I promise I will help you.
我承诺为你提供最好的建议。(wǒ chéngnuò wèi nǐ tígōng zuì hǎo de jiànyì) - I promise to provide you with the best advice.
But how about when you want to assure someone that you will definitely do something? In that case, you can use 一定 (yídìng).
我一定会去的。(wǒ yídìng huì qù de) - I will definitely go.
我一定会帮助你完成这个项目。(wǒ yídìng huì bāng zhù nǐ wán chéng zhè ge xiàng mù) - I will definitely help you complete this project.
Another useful phrase is "我保证 (wǒ bǎozhèng)", which means "I guarantee"or "I assure".
我保证我不会迟到。(wǒ bǎozhèng wǒ bù huì chídào) - I assure you I won't be late.
他保证按时完成所有的工作。(tā bǎozhèng ànshí wánchéng suǒyǒu de gōngzuò) - He guarantees that all the work will be done on time.
Now, if it’s a very serious situation you can also use "我发誓 (wǒ fāshì)" which translates to "I swear".
我发誓保护你的隐私。(wǒ fāshì bǎohù nǐ de yǐnsī) - I swear to protect your privacy.
我发誓保守秘密。(wǒ fāshì bǎoshǒu mìmì) - I swear to keep the secret.