【Learn Chinese】Chinese New Year Wishes for 2024 (Part 1)

Chinese people greet one another with lucky sayings and phrases to wish each other health, wealth, and good fortune when they meet during the Chinese New Year period.
Here are the most popular Chinese New Year greetings, wishes, messages, and quotes in Mandarin which will enable you to share joy and love during the festive period.
3 Most Popular Chinese New Year Greetings
In Mandarin, the most common Chinese New Year greeting is Xīnnián hǎo (新年好), which directly translates as 'New Year Goodness'. A more formal greeting is Xīn nián kuài lè, literally meaning 'New Year happiness'.
"Xīnnián hǎo" is usually the first thing that's said when Chinese people greet one another during Chinese New Year. It replaces the normal greeting "nǐ hǎo". "Xīnnián kuàilè" is a somewhat more formal way to greet people during Chinese New Year. It also can be used during the regular January 1st New Year.
A third popular greeting is 恭喜发财 (gōng xǐ fā cái) which translates to happiness and prosperity.
Chinese New Year Greetings for the Dragon Year 2024
As 2024 will be a year of the Dragon, it will be popular to greet people with new year lucky phrases including Dragon (龙or lóng in Chinese). Here are the most popular greetings for the year of the Dragon.
1. 龙年快乐! (lóngnián kuàilè) - Happy year of the Dragon!
2. 龙马精神,财运亨通。 (lóng mǎ jīng shén ,cái yùn hēng tōng) - May you be as vigorous as dragons and horses, and may you enjoy great fortune.
3. 愿龙年吉祥如意,福禄双全。 (yuàn lóng nián jí xiáng rú yì ,fú lù shuāng quán) - Wishing you success and good fortune this year of the Dragon.
4. 在新的一年里,祝你龙飞凤舞,事业有成。 (zài xīn de yì nián lǐ,zhù nǐ lóng fēi fèng wǔ,shì yè yǒu chéng) - In the new year, wishing you soaring success in your career as the dragon and phoenix dance in the sky.
5. 在龙年里,愿你昂首龙吟,一路平安。 (zài lóng nián lǐ,yuàn nǐ áng shǒu lóng yín,yí lù píng ān) - In the Year of the Dragon, may you tread on the journey of life safely with the pride of a dragon.
6. 龙年来临,愿你展翅飞翔,鸿运当头。 (lóng nián lái lín,yuàn nǐ zhǎn chì fēi xiáng,hóng yùn dāng tóu) - As the Year of the Dragon arrives, may you spread your wings and soar high, with great fortune lying ahead.