【Learn Chinese】Chinese Lesson: At the Dentist

If you live in China a trip to the dentist is almost unavoidable, so you’d best be equipped with some keywords and knowledge about what, and what not to do.
Before getting stuck into our visit to the dentist, let’s learn some key words that will prove super handy. The most important word we’ll take from today is:
牙医 (yá yī) – dentist
牙齿 (yá chǐ) – teeth
Of course, there’s a lot more to it than that. So let’s get started with these words:
口气 (kǒu qì) – breath
蛀牙 (zhù yá) – Cavity 
假牙 (jiǎ yá) – Dentures 
补牙 (bǔ yá) – Filling 
牙线 (yá xiàn) – Floss  
牙龈 (yá yín) – Gums 
漱口水 (shù kǒu shuǐ) – Mouthwash   
牙痛 (yá tòng) – Toothache 
牙刷 (yá shuā) – Toothbrush 
牙膏 (yá gāo) – Toothpaste 
The measure word for teeth in Chinese is 颗 kē.
One tooth: 一颗牙齿 (yī kē yáchǐ)
Two teeth: 两颗牙齿 (liǎng kē yáchǐ)
To wrap up our dose of learning, here are some useful phrases that include some of the above words also:
I have bad toothache: 我牙疼得很厉害 (wǒ yá téng dé hěn lìhài)
I’m going to the dentist tomorrow: 我明天去看牙医 (wǒ míngtiān qù kàn yáyī)
Can I book an appointment? 我可以预约吗?(wǒ kěyǐ yùyuē ma)
My teeth are yellow: 我的牙齿是黄色的 (wǒ de yáchǐ shì huángsè de)
I need my tooth removed: 我需要去掉牙齿 (wǒ xūyào qùdiào yáchǐ)  
Visit your dentist every year: 每年拜访你的牙医 (měinián bàifǎng nǐ de yáyī)