【Learn Chinese】Chinese Proverbs for Travelling and Learning (Part 2) |
Are you seeking inspiration for your next adventure or looking to deepen your understanding of Chinese culture? Look no further! In this post, we'll explore Chinese proverbs that offer valuable insights into the joys of travel and the pursuit of knowledge. This is part two of our article. 6. 行万里路,知天下事。 (xíng wàn lǐ lù, zhī tiānxià shì) - Traveling thousands of miles allows us to know about the world. So, what does this phrase mean? This phrase means that when we travel to many places, we can learn about different things in the world. 7. 在家千日好,出门一时难。 (zài jiā qiān rì hǎo, chūmén yī shí nán) - Staying at home for a thousand days is good, but going out for a moment can be difficult. What does this proverb mean? It means that everything is convenient at home for a thousand days, but once you travel, many things can become difficult. 8. 读书百遍,其意自见;行路百里,胜如阅书。 (dúshū bǎi biàn, qí yì zì xiàn; xíng lù bǎi lǐ, shèng rú yuè shū) - Reading a hundred times, its meaning becomes clear; walking a hundred miles, is better than reading books. The meaning of this proverb is that reading a lot of books, will help you naturally understand the principles within books. However, walking a hundred miles, the experiences and insights gained are more valuable than book knowledge. 9. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神;行万里路,胸中常宽阔。 (dúshū pò wàn juàn, xià bǐ rú yǒu shén; xíng wàn lǐ lù, xiōng zhōng cháng kuānkuò) - Reading thousands of books, writing becomes effortless; Traveling thousands of miles, makes one's mind broad. This proverb means that reading a lot will make your writing more fluent. Traveling often will also broaden our horizons. 10. 行万里路,胜读十年书。 (xíng wàn lǐ lù, shèng dú shí nián shū) - Traveling thousands of miles, is better than reading ten years of books. So, what does this phrase mean? This phrase means that the experiences gained from traveling are more valuable than those from ten years of reading, and deeper. |