【Learn Chinese】How to Make Time for Learning Chinese

Learning Chinese can sometimes feel like a daunting task, especially if you’re juggling a busy schedule. However, regular study is key to grasping the basics of Chinese and reaching fluency.
Here are five simple ways to help you stay motivated and prioritize studying Chinese routinely.
Focus on Cultivating a Habit
Imagine learning Chinese becoming as automatic as brushing your teeth. The key is to make it a daily habit.
Set a reminder on your phone to dedicate a few minutes each day to expose yourself to the language. Use this time deliberately by engaging with Chinese learning apps or working on your Chinese textbooks for 10 to 15 minutes each session.
Utilize your “dead time” — those moments when you’re commuting, walking the dog, waiting in line, doing the dishes, or folding clothes. Listening to Chinese podcasts, songs, and audiobooks during these times can add a lot of extra hours to your studying routine.
By consistently immersing yourself in a Chinese-speaking environment, you’ll start picking up new words and phrases without even realizing it.
Find a Learning Buddy or Join a Group Class
Learning is more enjoyable and effective when shared with others. Find a learning buddy who is interested in Chinese, or join a group class virtually or offline. Having a partner or a group creates a support system that keeps you motivated and accountable.
Consider setting up regular study sessions with your buddy, where you can practice speaking, review each other’s work, and share learning resources. This social aspect turns studying into a fun and interactive activity rather than a solitary task.
If you prefer a more structured approach, enrolling in a local or online language class can be highly beneficial. Group classes offer structured lessons, provide opportunities for conversation practice, and expose you to different learning styles and perspectives.
Being part of a learning community can boost your confidence and inspire you to keep going, even when the going gets tough.
Sign Up for an Exam
Having a clear, tangible goal can significantly boost your motivation. Consider signing up for a Chinese proficiency exam, such as the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi; 汉语水平考试).
Knowing you have an exam date approaching will give you a concrete deadline to work towards, making your study sessions more focused and purposeful.
Additionally, preparing for an exam helps you prioritize your learning and cover a broad range of topics. It encourages you to develop a more well-rounded skill set, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
By setting this goal, you’ll also be able to measure your progress in a structured way, which can be incredibly rewarding. The sense of accomplishment you’ll feel upon passing the exam will be a testament to your hard work and dedication.