【Learn Chinese】Chinese Vocabulary for Autumn

Which season do you like best? Autumn will be here soon so let's take a look at some useful Chinese vocabulary about autumn in today's article!
First, here are some important words related to Autumn:
Autumn/Fall 秋天 qiū tiān
Autumn begins 立秋 lì qiū
Cool 凉爽 liánɡ shuǎnɡ
Sunshine 晴朗 qínɡ lǎnɡ
Late autumn 深秋 shēn qiū
fallen leaves 落叶 luò yè
Maple leaf 枫叶 fēnɡ yè
Fade 凋谢 diāo xiè
Die away 枯萎 kū wěi
Climb mountains 爬山 pá shān
Camp 露营 lù yínɡ
Second, lets learn some sentences about autumn:
Here comes the autumn. 秋天到了。qiū tiān dào le.
It has been especially cool this autumn. 这个秋天特别凉爽。zhè ɡe qiū tiān tè bié liánɡ shuǎnɡ.
We've had too much rain this autumn. 今年秋天雨水太多了。jīnnián qiū tiān yúshuǐ tài duō le.
Where are you going for your vacation this autumn? 今年秋天你去哪儿度假?jīnnián qiū tiān nǐ qù nǎér dùjiǎ.
We're planning to visit Australia this autumn. 我们正打算这个秋天去澳洲旅行。wǒ men zhènɡ dǎ suɑn zhè ɡe qiū tiān qù ào zhōu lǚ xínɡ.
We tour by car every fall. 每年秋天我们都驾车外出旅游。měi nián qiū tiān wǒ men dōu jià chē wài chū lǚ yóu.
We'll holiday to France this autumn. 今年秋天我们将去法国度假。 jīn nián qiū tiān wǒ men jiānɡ qù fǎ ɡuó dù jiǎ.
How about some idioms about autumn:
秋高气爽 qiū ɡāo qì shuǎnɡ - clear and refreshing autumn weather
秋色宜人 qiū sè yí rén - a bright and beautiful autumn scene
天朗气清 tiān lǎnɡ qì qīnɡ - the sky is clear and bright
秋风瑟瑟 qiū fēnɡ sè sè - howling autumn wind
枫林如火 fēnɡ lín rú huǒ - maple's woods such as fire
秋雨绵绵 qiū yǔ mián mián - the autumn rain fell day after day without ceasing
叶落知秋 yè luò zhī qiū - one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn
Now you learned some useful vocabulary and phrases about autumn. Can you make sentences using the vocabulary I list above?