【Learn Chinese】Different Ways to say „Friend“ in Chinese

Today, we're going to explore how to say “friend” in Chinese. This is a very important word, as friends play a significant role in our lives. In Chinese, there are several ways to express the concept of “friend”, each with its own unique nuances. Let's take a look!
1. 朋友 (péngyǒu)
The most common and general term for “friend” in Chinese is 朋友 (péngyǒu). It can be used to refer to friends of any age, gender, or relationship level. For example:
我有很多朋友。(Wǒ yǒu hěnduō péngyǒu.) - I have many friends.
他是我的好朋友。(Tā shì wǒ de hǎopéngyǒu.) - He is my good friend.
2. 好朋友 (hǎopéngyǒu)
When you want to emphasize that someone is a close friend, you can add the character 好 (hǎo), which means “good” or “close”. So 好朋友 (hǎopéngyǒu) literally means “good friend” or “close friend”. For example:
我们是好朋友。(Wǒmen shì hǎopéngyǒu.) - We are good friends.
她是我的好朋友。(Tā shì wǒ de hǎopéngyǒu.) - She is my good friend.
3. 老朋友 (lǎopéngyǒu)
If you've known someone for a long time and have a long-standing friendship, you can use the term 老朋友 (lǎopéngyǒu). The character 老 (lǎo) here means “old” in the sense of “long-time” or “veteran”. For example:
他是我的老朋友。(Tā shì wǒ de lǎopéngyǒu.) - He is my old friend (in the sense of long-time friend).
我们是多年的老朋友。(Wǒmen shì duōnián de lǎopéngyǒu.) - We are old friends for many years.
4. 闺蜜 (guīmì) and 好哥们儿 (hǎogēmen)
These terms are more specific and are used to describe close female and male friends, respectively. 闺蜜 (guīmì) refers to a close female friend, often used among women to describe a very close and trusted friend. 好哥们儿 (hǎogēmen) is used among men to describe a close male friend. For example:
她是我的闺蜜。(Tā shì wǒ de guīmì.) - She is my close female friend.
他是我的好哥们儿。(Tā shì wǒ de hǎogēmen.) - He is my close male friend.
5. 网友 (wǎngyǒu)
In the digital age, we often make friends online. The term 网友 (wǎngyǒu) is used to describe an online friend. The character 网 (wǎng) means “internet” or “web”. For example:
我有一个网友。(Wǒ yǒu yīgè wǎngyǒu.) - I have an online friend.
我们是网友。(Wǒmen shì wǎngyǒu.) - We are online friends.
Friends are an essential part of our lives, and being able to talk about them in Chinese will not only improve your language skills but also deepen your connections with the Chinese-speaking community.
So, next time you're chatting with someone in Chinese, try using these terms to describe your friends. You'll be sure to impress them with your language abilities and cultural knowledge!